Revolut Payment Reader: Explore Key Features, Use Cases & Benefits

Revolut Payment Reader

Today, convenience and security have become paramount to consumers around the globe. In such a scenario, traditional payment methods can no longer keep up with the pace of consumer demands. Recognising this need for innovation, Revolut, a leading fintech company, introduced a game-changing solution – the Revolut Payment Reader.

The Revolut Payment Reader represents a significant leap forward in how businesses accept payments. It is a compact and wireless point-of-sale (POS) device that seamlessly integrates with smartphones and tablets, allowing businesses to offer their customers a streamlined and secure payment experience. Whether you’re a small retail store, a bustling café, or a mobile vendor, the Revolut Payment Reader caters to diverse industries.

In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the features, benefits, and real-world applications of the Revolut Payment Reader. From its contactless payment capabilities to its multi-currency support, we will explore how this device can add exceptional value to businesses of all sizes. 

What is the Revolut Payment Reader?

The Revolut Payment Reader is a compact, wireless point-of-sale (POS) device developed by Revolut, a leading financial technology company known for its innovative banking and payment solutions. The payment reader is designed to empower businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), by offering a convenient, secure, and versatile way to accept customer card payments.

How does the Revolut Payment Reader work?

Revolut Payment Reader work

Revolut Payment Reader work | Goskat

The Revolut Payment Reader works seamlessly with smartphones and tablets, connecting via Bluetooth to facilitate transactions. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how the device operates:

Pairing with a Mobile Device

The first step involves pairing the payment reader with a compatible smartphone or tablet. This can be done through the Revolut Business app, available for iOS and Android devices. The pairing process is quick and easy, enabling businesses to get up and running within a few minutes.

Accepting Payments

Once the payment reader is successfully connected to the mobile device, businesses can start accepting payments from customers. Customers can make payments using contactless technology, which involves tapping their contactless cards or digital wallets (e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay) on the payment reader. For added security, the payment reader also supports chip and PIN transactions, ensuring compliance with the latest payment security standards.

Real-time Payment Processing

The Revolut Payment Reader processes transactions in real-time, meaning that the payment is swiftly authorised or declined, and the result is communicated to the merchant almost instantaneously. This ensures a smooth and efficient payment experience for both businesses and customers.

Multi-Currency Support

One of the standout features of the Revolut Payment Reader is its ability to process payments in multiple currencies. For businesses that have international customers or deal with foreign currencies, this feature is particularly valuable. The payment reader leverages Revolut’s advanced currency exchange capabilities to offer competitive exchange rates and avoid unnecessary fees.

What are the use cases and benefits of Revolut Payment Reader?

The Revolut Payment Reader is a versatile and powerful tool that caters to a wide range of industries and businesses. Let’s explore some key use cases and the significant benefits it offers:

1. Retail Stores and Shops

Retail stores and shops can transform their checkout experience by accepting card payments with the Revolut Payment Reader. Whether it’s a small boutique or a large department store, customers can make quick and secure payments, reducing waiting times and improving customer satisfaction.


  • Increased Sales Opportunities: By accepting card payments, retail businesses can cater to customers who prefer cashless transactions, potentially increasing sales.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: The Payment Reader streamlines the payment process, allowing staff to focus on customer service and product assistance.

2. Restaurants and Cafés

Restaurants, cafés, and eateries can upgrade their table service with the Payment Reader. Waitstaff can bring the device directly to the table, allowing customers to pay at their convenience and reducing waiting times.


  • Improved Customer Experience: Enhancing the dining experience with efficient payments leads to higher customer satisfaction and the likelihood of return visits.
  • Increased Table Turnover: Faster payment processing can help increase the number of customers served per table, boosting revenue during peak hours.

3. Mobile Businesses and Pop-up Shops

Mobile Businesses and Pop-up Shops

Mobile Businesses and Pop-up Shops | Goskat

Mobile businesses, such as food trucks, pop-up shops, and market vendors, benefit from the portability of the Payment Reader. They can now accept payments on the go, regardless of their location.


  • Flexibility: Mobile businesses can reach customers at various events, festivals, and busy locations, expanding their market reach.
  • Adaptability: The Payment Reader’s wireless connectivity allows mobile vendors to conduct transactions in areas without access to traditional POS systems.

4. Freelancers and Service Providers:

Freelancers and service providers, such as photographers, tutors, or consultants, can use the Payment Reader to collect payments from their clients securely and professionally.


  • Professional Image: Offering card payment options enhances credibility and professionalism.
  • Faster Payment Collection: The Payment Reader accelerates payment collection, eliminating the need for invoicing and waiting for bank transfers.

5. International Sellers and E-commerce:

Businesses dealing with international customers or selling products online can benefit from the multi-currency support of the Payment Reader.


  • Seamless International Transactions: The Payment Reader converts currencies at competitive rates, simplifying cross-border transactions.
  • Global Expansion: The ability to accept various currencies opens opportunities for businesses to tap into international markets.

How to get started with the Revolut Payment Reader?

Getting started with the Revolut Payment Reader is a simple process. Here’s what you have to do:

  • Create a Revolut Business Account – If you haven’t already, sign up for a Revolut Business Account on their website.
  • Order the Payment Reader – Place an order for the Revolut Payment Reader through the Revolut Business platform and have it delivered to your preferred location.
  • Connect and Start Accepting Payments – Follow the straightforward instructions to pair the payment reader with your smartphone or tablet and begin accepting card payments immediately.


The Revolut Payment Reader is a game-changing solution for businesses seeking to modernise their payment process. With its seamless integration with mobile devices, secure transaction processing, multi-currency support, and more, the payment reader offers tangible benefits to businesses of all sizes. By trying this innovative and low fees payment reader, businesses can streamline their operations, enhance customer experiences, and stay ahead in today’s competitive market. For more such updates, visit GoSkat.


What is a payment card reader?
A payment card reader is a device that accepts payments from credit and debit cards. It enables businesses to process card transactions securely and efficiently, often via contactless, chip & PIN, or magnetic stripe technology.
What is a credit card payment reader called?
A credit card reader is commonly referred to as a “POS (Point of Sale) terminal” or a “card terminal.” It is a physical device that reads and processes credit card information during a payment transaction.
Can I use my phone as a card reader?
Yes, many smartphones can be used as card readers with the help of mobile payment apps and accessories. By attaching a card reader dongle or using NFC technology, your phone can accept card payments for your business or personal transactions.